A book of impressions during and after Reconnective sessions Healing ™ (RI) . Impressions of persons who can describe them approximately accurately and precisely from their perspective of perception, are presented in a suitable topic.
A book of impressions during and after Reconnective Healing (RI) and Reconnection sessions (R) ~ 3+ months later. Impressions of the person who they can be described approximately accurately and precisely from their observation perspective, they are presented in appropriate topic.

RI ® | Prikadna Recognitions | Dr. Gary Schwartz (USA) | Reduced shoulder mobility
University of Arizona USA (Department of Physiology and Psychology). Comparison of physical therapy with RI ® in subjects with limited shoulder mobility. Reconnective Healing ® (RI) as an energy healing that includes light or no touch, has been tested in relation to physical therapy (FT) to test efficacy in subjects with a limited range of motion in the scapular plane. Movement range, reported pain, and heart rate variability (HRV) were observed and recorded 10 minutes before and after the session.
It was stated that the session was RI® for 10 min. more than twice as effective as physical therapy in restoring the full range of motion, especially in the reduced range of motion shoulders arms. In medicine it is called Brachial plexus paresis.
This document is an obvious confirmation that Reconnective Healing is something new, different, and appearing for the first time on the planet. It far exceeds any condition it actually is notices ... View topic ...
Higher dimension fields are not yet quantitatively accessible to us because the instruments we have are primarily shaped at the level of the reality of the electric atomic molecule, and are therefore limited ... " View topic ...
Influence of RI® on flora and plant DNA
When leaves are in the process of dying, they actually release energy - not blood or fluid - but light. Light leaves organisms when they die. In the experiments, one tested sheet from ... View topic ...
As a subject of testing at the Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona, energy related to Reconnective Healing has been subjected to controlled scientific experiments. View topic ...