A book of impressions during and after Reconnective sessions Healing ™ (RI) . Impressions of persons who can describe them approximately accurately and precisely from their perspective of perception, are presented in a suitable topic.
A book of impressions during and after Reconnective Healing (RI) and Reconnection sessions (R) ~ 3+ months later. Impressions of the person who they can be described approximately accurately and precisely from their observation perspective, they are presented in appropriate topic.

In 1993, Dr. Eric Pearl found the ability to interact with an informative and intelligent frequency bandwidth that harmoniously affects the body and mind, and thereafter began sharing it so many people on the planet can receive the healing on many levels. The nature of this work is today recognized by its exact names as Reconnective Healing™ and Personal Reconnection™.
Of course, these are not two completely independent things. There is a mutual overlap, expansion and growth in them. Reconnective Healing™ focuses more on the body and mind healing. The Personal Reconnection™ helps a person to understand her life path as well as to find, upgrade, direct and accelerate her inner potentials.
After interacting with this frequency bandwidth (Energy, Light and Information™), a person retrieves an energy fullness and then begins to live more in integrity with that truth. From this perspective, a person changes on many levels, mental, emotional, energetic and physical. It becomes more vital, more energetic, more productive, more flexible, more communicative, more aware, more soulful, more truthful.
It is about receiving the full potential. The reconnection with original fullness.
The nature of the effects is relative. Relaxation, deeper inner peace, physical vitality, flexibility in thinking, more appropriate alignment with the rotation of the planet and the seasons, better sleep, stronger concentration, memory, more precise use of language, change of mindset towards life events and stress, more appropriate overcoming of life challenges, understanding inner emotions - are representing a few of them. Of course, it all happens in correlation with persons current level of understanding, maturity, consciousness and intellect. So every person receives what is most appropriate for her.
Most importantly, after interacting with the frequency potential, the person starts to "emits" a new vibration, so her nature also heals her environment. Directly or indirectly. For example, if, after receiving a RH™ session, we "give" someone a look, a smile, or a hug, there is a real potential in that act, that person actually received a part of these frequencies at the subconscious level.
There is no inappropriate time to get in touch with this frequency bandwidth. Wherever you start, it will take you to where you need to be.
Energy, Light and Information™ potential is helping You to understand on a deeper level, that we are all interconnected, not just to the people around us, but to nature, the planet, and the Universe.
It is an interaction with an extensive and intelligent frequency range of energy, light and information™ that harmoniously affects the body and mind. The nature of frequencies is real, tangible and measurable. Read More
An accurate energy model designed to accelerate the exchange of energy, light and information™ and benefits a person to upgrade, direct, and accelerate her potentials, as well as to understand her life course. Read More
The nature of the work is related and recognized as an integrative and complementary health care. The interaction with Reconnective frequencies bandwidth harmoniously affects the body and mind. Read More
The nature of this work took Eric to over 100 countries where he influenced millions of people in the hope that many people on the planet would be able to feel the real potential of the Reconnective frequencies. Read More