A book of impressions during and after Reconnective sessions Healing ™ (RI) . Impressions of persons who can describe them approximately accurately and precisely from their perspective of perception, are presented in a suitable topic.
A book of impressions during and after Reconnective Healing (RI) and Reconnection sessions (R) ~ 3+ months later. Impressions of the person who they can be described approximately accurately and precisely from their observation perspective, they are presented in appropriate topic.

Book of impressions during and after energy sessions of Reconnective Healings ® . The experiences of persons who can describe them approximately accurately and precisely from their perspective of observation are carefully recorded and presented in an appropriate topic. Respecting their privacy, the references of the mentioned persons are of a private nature.
RI ® | Guestbook Ksenija, 47 years old ~ Podgorica
★ First session
During the first energy session, I felt a flicker of my left eyelid and pain in the area between my eyebrows. The tingling in his legs and arms alternated in waves. I felt pressure at one point on my leg constantly throughout the session (even a certain period after it ended). I felt enormous weight and pain in my hands. Basically, the body mostly reacted in those places where I had some minor or major health problems. I had a vision of some seaside town in the distance. The strangest of all is the male voice I heard inside, which told me, "I'm going to get rid of those periodontitis."
After the first session, I felt short-lived stab wounds and body aches.
★ The other one session
I felt the second session in a stronger intensity than the previous one. Hot and cold waves alternated in the feet and hands. I had severe pains in the right side of my head and a burning sensation in my throat. I felt like something was stretching me to the left of my body. I was in a weightless state that I really enjoyed, it felt like I was floating. I saw that city on the sea again. Then I got a picture of me and my dog running happy and satisfied on the beach and playing. The next moment I saw him hugging his dog and feeling him with his whole being. Then I felt him pick up a lot of our suffering, fears and pain (we took him right after my husband died). That's when I started crying.
Even after the second session, there were occasional strong and short-term pains. That night before bed I had some flashes in my head and twitching of my arms and legs (and I had that during the session as well).
★ Third session
During the third treatment, I had severe burning sensations in the abdomen, throat and thighs. There was pain in the heels and in the spine. I felt a tummy tuck and it seemed to stick completely to my spine. That feeling of indulgence lasted a very long time and was really weird. I also felt pulling and stretching from the navel upwards. I was struck by images of animals being mistreated and exploited by humans, and then crying followed again. Then there were twitches in the area under the neck, in the arms and legs. Burning on the face and body occurred during all three sessions. After that I saw myself hugging a tree and I felt peace and contentment. I was very happy, I was able to embrace the whole world. After the session I felt fantastic.
Since only a few days have passed since the end of the third session, it is a relatively short time for something to be regulated and stabilized to a greater extent. I have severe lower abdominal pain as well as slightly milder stomach stings. I have a very heightened urge to sleep and mood swings. In the background though I feel some deeper peace and I feel like everything will be fine. Thank you very much Ivana.
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Information related to impressions during Reconnections ® , Energ. transfer , Rec. Flora and Fauna ♥ are found in appropriate topics.

"After three sessions, I feel completely relaxed. In stressful moments, I react calmly and spontaneously, and otherwise I am very nervous and plan quickly. So, I got the will to work and motivation ..." See the impression ...

Jagoda, 59 years old ~ Kragujevac
"The real heat that started to warm my left arm, neck, chest. Then it started to spread slightly towards my stomach where I had a feeling like my stomach was collapsing in bed. I had a feeling like ..." See the impression ...

"At first I felt very heavy. Then, the pressure on my chest that triggered a mild panic attack. I was breathing hard. I felt my hands go up, as if they were no longer on the bed ..." See the impression ...

Ines, 29 years old ~ Podgorica
"The vision of a bird staring at the sky from its nest, silent and with its open beak, is also impressive, after which I take it and throw it high and strong like a rocket, as high as I can. A sudden rush ..." See the impression ...