A book of impressions during and after Reconnective sessions Healing ™ (RI) . Impressions of persons who can describe them approximately accurately and precisely from their perspective of perception, are presented in a suitable topic.
A book of impressions during and after Reconnective Healing (RI) and Reconnection sessions (R) ~ 3+ months later. Impressions of the person who they can be described approximately accurately and precisely from their observation perspective, they are presented in appropriate topic.

The nature of the work is planetarily recognized. It belongs to integrative and complementary health care. Interaction with energy, light and information ™ within Reconnective Healing sessions ™ , and Reconnection ™ encourages and appropriate effects that begin to develop in a person a new and more natural vision of health, harmony, vitality and Life Progress ™ .
~ Vitality and more obvious alignment with one's own nature.
~ Understanding one's own emotions, emotional contemplation, clearing the subconscious.
~ Periodic intense bursts of energy that create in you the need to jump out of bed into action.
~ Deeper inner peace, flexibility in thinking.
~ Relieving panic attacks, fears and phobias.
~ Relaxation, physical vitality, its flexibility and movement. More appropriate eye-hand coordination of movements. Normalization of body weight.
~ Compliance with the rotation of the planet and the seasons. More appropriate sleep.
~ Increased intuition, instinct, creativity.
~ Moments of joy and bliss, good mood.
~ Increased perception, concentration, memory, more appropriate overview of events and observations, increased awareness, more precise use of language.
~ Start making health priorities, more appropriate overcoming life's challenges.
~ Getting a natural impulse to give and receive love, a more natural expression of care, kindness, understanding.
~ Surrender to the present moment and enjoying it.
~ Gaining a new, more promising vision of life and priorities.
Scientific References:
~ According to scientific experiments Reconnective frequencies pretend to reconnect broken DNA lance u body. ( See Scientific References )
~ Session RI ™ of 10 min. is more than twice as effective as physical therapy in restoring full range of motion. ( See Scientific References )
~ Laboratory experiments indicate that with the energy potential of reconnective frequencies a leaf torn from the parent branch can keep it alive during ninety days, and its natural extinction occurs within seven to ten days. ( See Scientific References )
~ Interaction with frequencies revitalizes and energizes the body, increases the energy potential that the body emits. ( See Scientific References )
~ Accelerates metabolism and immunity of the organism, calms the nervous system of the body. ( See Scientific References )
~ Reconnective Healing improves and accelerates communication between cells of the organism. ( See Scientific References )
~ Encouraging top sports performance and results. ( See Scientific References )
Important. "You don't have to feel the reaction for the reaction to happen." ~ Dr. Erik Perl
Pri interaction with reconnective frequencies sometimes happen and appropriate reactions ~ so-called. "Registers" ~ in the form of sensations. Their nature is relative.
~ Pulsation, "shudders", pulling, biting, pushing, pulling, stretching, flickering, numbness, tingling, twisting, burning.
~ Energy waves, electricity, magnetic attraction / repulsion, eddy energy fluctuation, energy travel.
~ A sense of bliss and relaxation, adrenaline rush, excitement, mild panic attacks and nervousness, visual and sound displays, colors.
~ Tickling, laughing / crying, coughing, yawning, muscle twitching and cramping, a feeling of shivering, mild throbbing pain. buzzing in my ears.
~ Heat, cold, Ease / body weight, bowel movements, intense swallowing.
~ Drowsiness, yawning, impression sinking into the mattress of the bed, sleep, and in doing so, a complete loss of sense of time.
~ Visions that stimulate introspective thinking, music and sounds that open repressed emotions from the subconscious.
~ Rapid eye movements ( see REM - Rapid Eye Movement ), circling, ie. "playing" eyeballs and eyebrows, watery eyes, breeze.
~ Changes in biological rhythms, rapid / slow heartbeat, accelerated / slow breathing, changes in muscle movements,
~ The impression that the body and bodily extremities occupy a completely different position from the real one, their elongation, stretching.
~ The impression of "flickering" with the feeling as if the body is connected to electricity, the impression of charging with energy, the impression of floating.
~ The feeling of "spilling", coming out of yourself, floating in the air, feeling expansion (as if your body and its extremities are increasing, growing).
~ Interaction with frequencies evidently changes heart waves, brain waves, raises the level of oxygen in the blood. ( See Scientific References )
Important. Reactions that take place during sessions have a complementary, reciprocal, and relative nature.
Represents return to optimal equilibrium. It occurs as a natural result of interaction with an extensive spectrum frequency consisting of energy, light and information ™ . See topic
Represents return to optimal equilibrium. It occurs as a natural result of interaction with an extensive spectrum frequency consisting of energy, light and information ™ . See topic
Represents accurate energy model designed to accelerate the exchange of energy, light and information ™ observed in the natural potential of the Reconnective Healings ™. See topic
Many renowned scientists are conducting appropriate scientific research and experiments in order to truly understand the completeness of the effects of reconnective frequencies on humans, flora and fauna. See topic
Book of impressions during and after the sessions RI ™ and R ™. Impressions a person who they can be described approximately accurately and precisely from their observation perspective, they are extensively presented in a suitable topic. See topic